Following on from the works that were undertaken in 2018 to improve the customer experience on Savile Row, Westminster Council is now making public realm improvements in neighbouring Burlington Gardens.
As a result of this, Vigo Street is currently closed between Savile Row and Sackville Street. To retain access to properties, the closure has also resulted in the southbound one-way working on Sackville Street being reversed so that it operates in a northbound way, and a one-way westbound working being introduced to Burlington Gardens between Savile Row and Cork Street. These changes will be monitored and, if they are considered to have been successful, made permanent.
The scheme will widen the pedestrian footway on the northern side of Burlington Gardens, reallocate loading and parking, and upgrade footways in natural York stone. The end result will provide significant benefits in terms of pedestrian comfort and safety.
The works are scheduled to finish in May, by which time we very much hope that our members will be open for business again and receiving customers.
Pictures (c) Publica 2021, all rights reserved.
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